Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

How Does Laser Surgery Work?

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If you need to have some surgery done, then your doctor might have told you that laser surgery is an option. Laser surgery may seem like a scary prospect, but it is extremely safe and effective. To help alleviate your concerns, here is a bit of background info on what laser surgery is and how it works. How does laser surgery work? For all intents and purposes, the medical laser plays the same role as a scalpel, with a couple of key differences. Read More»

Using A Patient Portal To Communicate With Patients

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Patient portal software makes it easier to communicate with your patients. Here are some of the ways that patient portals can help you provide good medical care.  Convenient Access to Test Results Providing test results after an office visit can be made simple through the use of a portal. You can alert your patients by email so that they can log in and receive their results online. It’s a good idea to follow up with another method of contact, such as a mailed result or a phone call. Read More»

2 Skin Conditions That A Water Softener Can Help You Manage

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Chronic skin problems can affect your comfort, self-esteem, and even lead to infection when you scratch or pick at the affected skin to help you get some relief. You may use OTC treatments and creams that your doctor prescribes that only calm your symptoms temporarily, and many of these treatments, such as steroid creams, can have long-term side effects. Before you give up and think you just have to life with a chronic skin condition, have a water softener installed in your home if you have any of the following skin conditions that hard water can exasperate. Read More»

Funerals For Those Who Have Died By Suicide

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Attending a funeral for someone who has died by suicide can present unique challenges. The act of dying by suicide often carries a social stigma that can be difficult for other family members to bear. Those who are connected to an individual who has died by suicide suicide will likely need access to mental health services. Children of those who have died from suicide especially need help because they are more likely to die from suicide as well. Read More»

How And When To Give A Self Breast Exam

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According to the American Cancer Society, women over the age of 40 should get a yearly mammogram to look for abnormal breast tissue that can lead to breast cancer. Just because you aren’t over the age of 40 or it isn’t time for your check-up doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a breast exam. You should be checking for any abnormal lumps in your breasts at least once per month. See below for some helpful tips on how to give yourself a breast exam. Read More»